Physical Exams

What Are Employee Physicals?

Employee physicals are essential health assessments conducted to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in the workplace. These evaluations help employers verify that their employees meet health standards required for their specific roles, enhancing overall workplace safety.

For certain professions, such as commercial truck driving, these physicals are mandated by regulatory agencies to safeguard both the employees and the public.

At Bella Clinical Care, we provide comprehensive employee physicals tailored to meet both industry regulations and individual health needs.

Physicals for Work

At Bella Clinical Care, we offer a comprehensive range of employee physicals designed to help businesses stay compliant with both state and national regulations. Our services include DOT (Department of Transportation) physicals, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) exams, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) assessments, and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) physicals.

In addition to these specialized evaluations, we also provide general wellness exams and job safety physicals. Our goal is to support your employees' health and productivity, both at work and at home. Bella Clinical Care delivers a wide array of physical exams, including:

  • DOT physicals

  • Fit-for-duty exams

  • Respirator questionnaire

  • Respirator physicals

  • Respirator fit testing

  • FAA physicals

  • Merchant/mariner physicals

  • PHA physicals

  • Firefighter/police physicals

  • Job-specific functional tests

  • Pre-employment physicals

  • Functional capacity exams

  • Immigration physicals

  • Heat stress screenings

  • OSHA-compliant baseline, periodic, and exit surveillance physicals

    • Arsenic, asbestos, lead, silica, ethylene oxide, methylene chloride, pesticides, hexavalent chromium, benzene, cadmium, mercury

    • Hazardous waste operator and emergency response physicals (HAZWOPER)

Physicals We Provide



Ensure that commercial drivers meet the health standards required by the Department of Transportation for safe and compliant operation of their vehicles.



Assess whether employees are physically capable of performing their job duties safely and effectively.

Pre-employment physicals

Ensure that candidates are physically capable of safely performing their job responsibilities.



Include a variety of health assessments tailored to specific job requirements and regulatory standards to ensure overall employee well-being and compliance.

Convenient Primary and Urgent care

Most insurances accepted